STABLEFORD Millfield School

Wednesday 7th June 2023
Championship, Tees - Mens Gold (Men), Green (Ladies)
H'cap Allowance: 95%

STABLEFORD Millfield School

Wednesday 7th June 2023, Mens Gold & Green Tees, Championship

(95% handicap allowance)

View Statistics for this Competition

Results Points Switch to Gross Points
1stLuke Burbridge(15) Long Sutton 41
2ndCharles Wright(15) Ganton Golf Club 33
3rdMichelle Wohler(5) Germany 33
4thJoss Monachello(10) Dulwich & Sydenham Hill 32
5thAbigail Moore(7) Isle of Wedmore Golf Club 30
6thToby Morris(13) West Wilts 29
7thGus Leetham(13) Buckingham 24
8thFfion Lockley(10) 23
9thMaddy (J) Beeching (-1) Foxhills 22

Competition in Progress

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Open To: Men & Ladies
Current Entries: 9

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